Do You have an Estate Plan Blueprint?
When it comes to estate planning, not having a plan is a plan. However, it is not a good one.
When it comes to estate planning, not having a plan is a plan. However, it is not a good one.
With all these anxieties and unknowns weighing on your mind, it might feel like there’s suddenly a pressing need to get your affairs in order―just in case.
Has a loved one named you their financial power of attorney? Are you ready to take on all the responsibilities that entails? Hopefully, you won’t be called into action anytime soon, but with the coronavirus pandemic continuing, it’s something to think about.
A will and a living trust are both part of a comprehensive estate plan, that sometimes are inconsistent with one another. When there are conflicts, the trust takes precedence.
One of the most fundamental choices you can make as you’re thinking about how to pass your assets on to heirs, is whether you hold assets in a revocable trust or more simply give them via a will. Both approaches have advantages, although trusts can provide significantly more benefits.
The main reason that people choose to have a living trust instead of a will, is that it avoids the probate system. Probate is the legal proceedings to decide whether a will is legal and binding. It also is the court session to decide where the property will go, if there is no will provided.
It took my husband Mike’s heart attack to force us to recognize the need for having an estate plan. It was not smart. You are smarter than that. Create an estate plan today.
Who will make decisions about your finances and health (maybe even your life) if you get COVID-19?
Imagine you get married and within a year or two, your new spouse passes away. Now, imagine that your grief is compounded with financial stress.
Besides seeking to draft or alter wills and trusts, many clients were changing trustees, executors and the agents they assigned to oversee their finances and health care, if they were unable to make decisions themselves.
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1402 S. Elliott Ave., Suite F
Aurora, Missouri 65605
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