Planning for LLC’s
Serving LLC’s across Southwest Missouri
Ozarks Legacy Law offers LLC & Small Business Plans designed to meet your business’ needs.
Don’t go it alone! While forming an LLC can be done without an attorney, it is not a wise move. Why cut corners on something you clearly value? You deserve to have confidence that your LLC is working for you.
Do you want the assurance of knowing your business formation & basic documents are done right? Planning for success means your business needs an attorney, advisor & advocate. Our LLC & Small Business Plans are designed to provide affordable legal services to the business owner willing to act now to protect what matters.
You can afford to have an attorney for your business. Having an LLC attorney is about value. Talk with our office about why we are a business asset your business.
Call Today to Schedule a No-Cost Planning Meeting!
Enhanced liability protection for assets & from other member’s libelous acts
Retain David, Bill, or Jeff for “on-call” & “as-needed” legal needs and advice
Flexible management, easy ownership succession & privacy enhancer
Premier vehicle for holding appreciating assets, such as real estate (including farms), stock portfolios, and investment properties
Extraordinary flexibility in the ability to allocate profits and losses to members in varying amounts
LLC & Business Packages
Business Prosperity Plan
- For the business committed to growth & success
- For the business with real estate & other assets which are increasing in value
- For the business that needs “on-call” access to a lawyer when needed most
- For the business that needs legal forms specific to your business
- For families looking to avoid conflict and create certainty
- We form the LLC & complete all paperwork for formation/compliance
- “On-Call” access to an attorney in the days, weeks, and years that follow
- Drafting basic legal forms specific for your business (leases, waivers, contracts)
- Free legal health check-ups every year
- Assures management and business succession
- Your business can always turn to us for guidance & support
- Much, much more
Complete LLC Plan
- For the business that needs basic legal guidance and assistance with access to a lawyer when needed most
- For the business that needs legal forms specific to your business
- For families looking to avoid conflict and create certainly
- We form the LLC & complete all paperwork for formation/compliance
- Retained attorney for your business in the days, weeks and years that follow
- Drafting basic legal forms specific for your business (leases, waivers, contracts)
- Assures management and business succession
- Your business can always turn to us for guidance & support
Basic LLC Plan
- For the business that needs basic legal guidance and assistance with forms
- Assures management and business succession