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Estate Law Blogs & News

Missouri Farmer

How Do I Avoid Estate Planning Mistakes?

Planning for death is like any other transition of life, except this is one we can make easier for our loved ones. Don’t let the process of settling your estate, a process commonly known as probate, get in their way — and cost them more money.

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What Should I Keep in My Safe Deposit Box?

In today’s digital age, in which seemingly anything that matters is stored virtually in the cloud, a physical safe deposit box comes across as a relic of the bricks-and-mortar past. However, don’t be too hasty to dismiss the importance of keeping certain valuables securely tucked away in your bank’s vault.

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Elder Financial Abuse Fraud Occurs To Often.

Take, for example, the sad and sordid tax case of Mary Ellen Cranmer Nice vs. United States of America, which would not have existed if an attentive financial advisor hadn’t noticed the large IRA distributions that were allegedly stolen right from under a matriarch’s nose.

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Missouri Estate Planning

What Should My Estate Plan Include?

Though most people who contract COVID-19 experience mild symptoms, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared if you do need to be hospitalized. It can feel scary thinking about getting sick or not being able to make decisions for yourself, but an estate plan is meant to ease your fears. After all, wouldn’t you feel better knowing that the burden of making health and financial decisions will never fall on unprepared family members?

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