What Do I Do As A Power of Attorney?
We see recurring confusion about what it means to be appointed with authority over money in a Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) for aging parents.
We see recurring confusion about what it means to be appointed with authority over money in a Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) for aging parents.
Talking about death is not the most fun thing to do, especially when yours is the main topic. For this reason, you may postpone writing your will. You still have to write your will, if you want particular people to be in charge of your belongings after you pass away.
Both of my parents entered a facility on Medicaid in January 2020. My dad passed two months later. Their home was sold in December 2020. My mom has been in rehab since a fall. When would the estate recovery begin? It’s confusing.
Trusts give parents of special-needs children additional options for extending care and financial assistance. However, you might need some expert help.
Most people should have a will, but it’s rarely the most significant estate planning document that an individual will hold.
Ensuring that your wishes on your medical care are followed is up to you. Take action now while you’re well, or you could lose a say in the matter during a crucial time later.
Due to the debilitating nature of Alzheimer’s and related forms of dementia on your loved one’s ability to make sound financial decisions, the sooner you can get financial matters in order the better.
Caring.com, a leading senior living referral service and the nation’s top site for senior care reviews, has published a comprehensive report from its annual Wills and Estate Planning Study.
Nearly half of working-age Americans assume that they will receive an inheritance that will support them later in life, according to a survey by the financial services company HSBC.
Just as you have trust in a relationship, trusting your document and those with responsibilities in the trust are crucial to obtaining your objectives.
Aurora Professional Building
1402 S. Elliott Ave., Suite F
Aurora, Missouri 65605
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