Can I Avoid Probate?
If you don’t have a will and an estate plan, probate is an after-you’ve-gone legal struggle. It could last months, if not years, in a battle over what you intended your family (or friends) to have: your estate!
If you don’t have a will and an estate plan, probate is an after-you’ve-gone legal struggle. It could last months, if not years, in a battle over what you intended your family (or friends) to have: your estate!
If you’re putting together an estate plan, you have no doubt heard about the benefits of a living trust.
There are good reasons why people want their estates to avoid probate, and a lot of ways to do it.
If you have updated your estate plan during the Covid crisis and even found a way to sign your documents while maintaining social distance, do not overlook the last step of trust funding.
The possibility that a power of attorney might be rejected may be one reason not to simply pull a form off the internet and hope it will be accepted.
When you are a farmer, your business is not only your livelihood and your passion, but, often, it is also intermingled with your family life.
Aurora Professional Building
1402 S. Elliott Ave., Suite F
Aurora, Missouri 65605
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