Asset Protection for Your Out-of-State Vacation Home
So why should you consider a more comprehensive plan than just leaving an out-of-state vacation home in your will?
So why should you consider a more comprehensive plan than just leaving an out-of-state vacation home in your will?
What is an unsupervised administration and why is it better than other types?
If you don’t have a will and an estate plan, probate is an after-you’ve-gone legal struggle. It could last months, if not years, in a battle over what you intended your family (or friends) to have: your estate!
There are good reasons why people want their estates to avoid probate, and a lot of ways to do it.
These are among the things an estate attorney can help you with planning. That’s why it’s essential to ensure you have one by your side, if you’re leaving an inheritance behind.
At some point in your life, there’s a good chance you’ll be tasked with acting as the executor of an estate.
While no one wants to think about his or her own death, planning for the inevitable is an important part of protecting your assets and those you love.
My Dad has been deemed unable to make his own decisions, and he does not have a Power of Attorney. The hospital said we need to apply for guardianship. What is that?
Probate and trust administration are not the same. There are important differences and similarities between administering a decedent’s probate estate and administering a decedent’s trust estate.
When parents start the planning process for a child with special needs, they usually work under the perception that if they create a special needs trust (SNT), the child will be taken care of and the needs will be met.
Aurora Professional Building
1402 S. Elliott Ave., Suite F
Aurora, Missouri 65605
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