What’s an Estate Inventory?
Completing an estate inventory can be one of the most challenging aspects of being the executor of an estate.
Completing an estate inventory can be one of the most challenging aspects of being the executor of an estate.
…Ajemian’s account became the source of a nearly decade long legal battle that raised a salient question: Who can access your digital accounts after your death?
A striking proportion of Americans don’t have one. Nontraditional families are left uniquely vulnerable.
Once more hesitant to plan ahead, clients in today’s environment are much more proactive and willing to take action in the near term, rather than waiting and risking having to pay higher taxes down the line.
As soon as you are an adult, you should have an estate plan in place.
Trust funds are an important estate planning tool. They can protect your assets while you’re alive and help ensure that you leave money to your children or other loved ones after you die.
Grantor retained annuity trusts, intentionally defective grantor trusts, spousal lifetime access trusts, oh my! If you overhear two estate planning attorneys at a coffee shop, it would not be unreasonable to think that all clients have estate plans filled with trusts.
More Americans are now getting married over the age of 65 than ever before. Even though this may be a second or third marriage for many, caregivers should nevertheless be aware of certain aspects that shouldn’t be ignored amidst all the wedding plans and celebrations.
The IRS is weighing a change that could leave your heirs poorer than you might hope.
Investing for retirement is one of the most important steps you can take toward building a secure financial future for you and your family. The sooner you can start, the better. Contributing to a retirement account can help you work toward your goals and may provide tax advantages to boost your progress.
Aurora Professional Building
1402 S. Elliott Ave., Suite F
Aurora, Missouri 65605
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