Ex-Girlfriend Could Own Your Family Home
My friend prepared his will and specified that his house would go to his girlfriend. She had contributed money to the upkeep, while they were together.
My friend prepared his will and specified that his house would go to his girlfriend. She had contributed money to the upkeep, while they were together.
Done right by a lawyer, your heirs can avoid the expense and time of probating your will and may save on estate taxes, while easing the administration of your affairs while alive and after you have gone.
Depending on your family situation and the value of your estate, forming a trust can be an important addition to your farm transition plan.
If you don’t also fund it, unexpected things can happen and some of those things may not reflect the intent to the grantor.
Given the expectation the Biden administration will roll back some of Trump’s favorable policies of the past four years, tax consultants and accountants are already hard at work. But for HNW women, dealing with election fallout is minor, compared to the bigger fish they have been frying in the tax pan for decades.
The trust is a very useful and flexible tool for estate planning, yet it is probably the most underused estate management technique. A trust is an artificial entity, something like a corporation, created by a document or instrument.
Everything each spouse earns during their marriage is community property. Fortunately, a gift or inheritance is separate property. However, that’s only half the battle.
A last will and testament is the foundation of an estate plan, which lets you plan for your estate after you’re gone. However, there are certain things that you might not want to put in your will.
I am a single retired parent to an adult daughter, who is an only child. The home I currently reside for the last 26 years still has a mortgage and the deed is in my name only. I have a will that states everything is left to my daughter, and then to my grandson, if she proceeds me in death. Should my daughter be added to the deed?
Received an inheritance of cash, investments, or property? Here are four ways that can help you keep it from being swallowed up by taxes.
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1402 S. Elliott Ave., Suite F
Aurora, Missouri 65605
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